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Hosted Zone Resource Providers

Hosted Zone Resource Providers


Looks up a hosted zone based on name and optional id and makes it available to the blueprint constructs under the provided name.

Example Implementation:

  .resourceProvider("internal-zone-1", new blueprints.LookupHostedZone('internal-zone', "hosted-zone-id"))


Directly imports a hosted zone based on id and makes it available to the blueprint constructs under the provided name.

Example Implementation:

  .resourceProvider("internal-zone-2", new blueprints.ImportHostedZoneProvider('hosted-zone-id', ""))


Convenient approach to create a global hosted zone record in a centralized account and subdomain records in workload accounts and make it available to the blueprint constructs under the provided name.

Example Implementation:

const props: blueprints.DelegatingHostedZoneProviderProps = {
  parentDomain: "", 
  subdomain: "", 
  parentDnsAccountId: "<account-id>",
  delegatingRoleName: "<IAM-Role-Name>", // must have trust relationship with workload account where blueprint is provisioned
  .resourceProvider("internal-zone-3", new blueprints.DelegationHostedZoneProvider(props))