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IBM® Instana® Addon for Amazon EKS Blueprints

The IBM® Instana® Addon for Amazon EKS Blueprints is designed to enhance observability, monitoring, and management capabilities for applications running on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). IBM Instana collects data from monitored systems by using a single agent on each host. The agent runs on your hosts to collect and aggregate data from various sensors before it sends the data to the Instana backend.

The IBM® Instana® Addon focuses on enhancing the user experience by reducing the complexity and time required to install and configure an Instana host agent on Amazon EKS cluster. Once you configure the addon for a Amazon EKS blueprints, it will be automatically provisioned during deployment.

This Addon will use IBM Instana Kubernetes operator in the namespace instana-agent to install and manage the Instana agent. It also configures custom resource values to configure the operator.


Ensure that you have installed the following tools on your machine.

  1. aws cli
  2. kubectl
  3. cdk
  4. npm
  5. Instana backend application - Use SaaS (eg aws) or Install self-hosted Instana backend (on-premises)


To create a new project and install dependencies, follow these steps from Amazon EKS Blueprints Quick Start

Use following command to Install IBM Instana Addon:

npm i @instana/aws-eks-blueprint-addon

Instana Agent Configuration

Go to your Instana installation (Instana User Interface), click ... More > Agents > Installing Instana Agents and select 'Kubernetes' platform to get the Instana Agent Key, Instana Service Endpoint, Instana Service port. These steps are also described here or in the screenshot below.

Instana Agent Configuration

AWS Secret Manager Secrets (Optional)

If you wish to use AWS Secret Manager Secrets to pass Instana props (key, endpoint, and port), then you will be required to setup Secrets first.

export SECRET_NAME=<aws_secret_name>
export INSTANA_AGENT_KEY=<instana_key>
export INSTANA_ENDPOINT_HOST_URL=<instana_host_endpoint>
export INSTANA_ENDPOINT_HOST_PORT=<instana_port>"
aws secretsmanager create-secret \
  --name $SECRET_NAME \
  --secret-string "{\"INSTANA_AGENT_KEY\":\"${INSTANA_AGENT_KEY}\",
secret_name = AWS Secret Manager Secret name (eg. instana-secret-params).

Usage : Using AWS Secret Manager Secrets

To use AWS Secret Manager Secrets follow these steps:

  1. The actual settings for the secret name (secretParamName) are expected to be specified in the CDK context. Generically it is inside the cdk.context.json file of the current directory or in ~/.cdk.json in your home directory.

    Example settings: Update the context in cdk.json file located in cdk-eks-blueprints-patterns directory json "context": { "secretParamName": "instana-secret-params" }

  2. Go to project/bin/.ts

    import 'source-map-support/register';
    import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
    import * as blueprints from '@aws-quickstart/eks-blueprints';
    import { loadYaml } from '@aws-quickstart/eks-blueprints/dist/utils';
    import { InstanaOperatorAddon } from '@instana/aws-eks-blueprint-addon';
    const app = new cdk.App();
    const instanaSecretName = app.node.tryGetContext('<instana-secret-param>');
    export const instanaProps = {
        // In this example, the secret is called instana-secret-param
        secretParamName: instanaSecretName
    const yamlObject = loadYaml(JSON.stringify(instanaProps));
    // AddOns for the cluster.
    const addOns: Array<blueprints.ClusterAddOn> = [
        new InstanaOperatorAddon(yamlObject)
    const account = '<aws account id>';
    const region = '<aws region>';
        .build(app, '<eks cluster name>');

Usage : Using Secrets in the Code

import 'source-map-support/register';
import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import * as blueprints from '@aws-quickstart/eks-blueprints';
import { loadYaml } from '@aws-quickstart/eks-blueprints/dist/utils';
import { InstanaOperatorAddon } from '@instana/aws-eks-blueprint-addon';

const app = new cdk.App();

export const instanaProps = {
    agent: {
        key: "<instana agent key>", // Mandatory Parameter
        endpointHost: "<instana backend host>",// Mandatory Parameter
        endpointPort: "<instana backend port>",// Mandatory Parameter

const yamlObject = loadYaml(JSON.stringify(instanaProps));

// AddOns for the cluster.
const addOns: Array<blueprints.ClusterAddOn> = [
    new InstanaOperatorAddon(yamlObject)

const account = '<aws account id>';
const region = '<aws region>';

    .build(app, '<eks cluster name>');

AddOn Configuration Options

Option Description Default
agent.endpointHost Instana Agent backend endpoint host (US and ROW)
agent.endpointPort Instana Agent backend endpoint port "443"
agent.key Your Instana Agent key nil
agent.downloadKey Your Instana Download key nil
agent.env Additional environment variables for the agent {}
agent.configuration_yaml Custom content for the agent configuration.yaml file nil Display name of the monitored cluster "Value of" Zone that detected technologies will be assigned to nil


Bootstrap your environment with the following command.

cdk bootstrap

and finally you can deploy the stack with the following command.

cdk deploy

Verify the resources

Run update-kubeconfig command. You should be able to get the command from CDK output message. More information can be found here.

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <your cluster name> --region <your region> --role-arn arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxx:role/eks-blue1-eksblue1AccessRole32C5DF05-1NBFCH8INI08A


To validate if Instana Agent configured properly in Amazon EKS. You can run the following command after Amazon EKS cluster in deployed and running.

kubectl get pods -n instana-agent
Output of the above command will be silimar to below one:

NAMESPACE       NAME                                                READY       STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
instana-agent   controller-manager-78479cb596-sktg9     1/1         Running                     0          56m
instana-agent   controller-manager-78479cb596-xz8kn     1/1         Running                     0          56m
instana-agent   instana-agent-gsqx8                                 1/1         Running                     0          56m

Run following command to verify Instana Agent logs

kubectl logs <instana-agent-pod-name> -n instana-agent # Output shows instana agent logs. pod name in this example is instana-agent-gsqx8

Once you see Instana Agent is running in your Amazon EKS Cluster, you can go to Instana Installation (User Interface) to get the APM metrices.

Instana Metrics


To clean up your EKS Blueprints, run the following commands:

cdk destroy


This pattern relies on an open source NPM package aws-eks-blueprint-addon. Please refer to the package npm site for more information.'