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Cluster Providers

The eks-blueprints framework allows customers to easily configure the underlying EKS clusters that it provisions. This is done via Cluster Providers. Customers can leverage the Cluster Providers that the framework supports, or supply their own.

The framework currently provides support for the following Cluster Providers:

Cluster Provider Description
GenericClusterProvider Provisions an EKS cluster with one or more managed or Auto Scaling groups as well as Fargate Profiles.
AsgClusterProvider Provisions an EKS cluster with an Auto Scaling group used for compute capacity.
MngClusterProvider Provisions an EKS cluster with a Managed Node group for compute capacity.
FargateClusterProvider Provisions an EKS cluster which leverages AWS Fargate to run Kubernetes pods.
ImportClusterProvider Imports an existing EKS cluster into the blueprint allowing capabilities to add (certain) add-ons and teams.

By default, the framework will leverage the MngClusterProvider which creates a single managed node group.

If you would like to add more node groups to a single cluster, you can leverage GenericClusterProvider, which allows multiple managed node groups or autoscaling (self-managed) node groups along with Fargate profiles.

The version property that sets the Kubernetes Version for the Control Plane is required to be set either in the Cluster Provider, or in the Blueprint Properties. In either spot, it can be set to a KubernetesVersion or "auto". If set to auto, the cluster version will be set to the latest Kubernetes Version. Auto versioning is not recommended in production clusters, as clusters will be updated as new Kubernetes versions release.