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Resource Providers


Resource A resource is a CDK construct that implements IResource interface from aws-cdk-lib which is a generic interface for any AWS resource. An example of a resource could be a hosted zone in Route53 IHostedZone, an ACM certificate ICertificate, a VPC or even a DynamoDB table which could be leveraged either in add-ons or teams.

ResourceProvider A resource provider is a core Blueprints concept that enables customers to supply resources for add-ons, teams and/or post-deployment steps. Resources may be imported (e.g., if created outside of the platform) or created with the blueprint.

Use Cases

ClusterAddOn and Team implementations require AWS resources that can be shared across several constructs. For example, ExternalDnsAddOn requires an array of hosted zones that will be used for integration with Route53. NginxAddOn requires a certificate and hosted zone (for DNS validation) in order to use TLS termination. VPC may be used inside add-ons and team constructs to look up VPC CIDR and subnets.

The Blueprints framework provides ability to register a resource provider under an arbitrary name and make it available in the resource context, which is available to all add-ons and teams. With this capability, customers can either use existing resource providers or create their own and reference the provided resources inside add-ons, teams or other resource providers.

Resource providers may depend on resources provided by other resource providers. For example, CertificateResourceProvider relies on a hosted zone resource, which is expected to be supplied by another provider.

Example use cases:

  1. As a platform user, I must create a VPC using my enterprise standards and leverage it for the EKS Blueprint. Solution: create an implementation of ResourceProvider<IVpc> (or leverage an existing one) and register it with the blueprint (see Usage).

  2. As a platform user, I need to use an existing hosted zone for all external DNS names used with ingress objects of my workloads. Solution: use a predefined ImportHostedZoneProvider or LookupHostedZoneProvider to reference the existing hosted zone.

  3. As a platform user, I need to create an S3 bucket and use it in one or more Team implementations. Solution: create an implementation for an S3 Bucket resource provider and use the supplied resource inside teams.


The API contract for a resource provider is represented by the ResourceProvider interface from the spi/resource-contracts module.

export declare interface ResourceProvider<T extends IResource = IResource> {
    provide(context: ResourceContext): T;

Example implementations:

class VpcResourceProvider implements ResourceProvider<IVpc> {
    provide(context: ResourceContext): IVpc {
        const scope = context.scope; // stack

class DynamoDbTableResourceProvider implements ResourceProvider<ITable> {
    provide(context: ResourceContext): ITable {

 * Example implementation of a VPC Provider that creates a NAT Gateway 
 * which is available in all 3 AZs of the VPC while only being in one
class OtherVpcResourceProvider implements ResourceProvider<IVpc> {
    provide(context: ResourceContext): IVpc {
        return new Vpc(context.scope, '<vpc-name>', {
            availabilityZones: ['us-east-1a', 'us-east-1b', 'us-east-1c'], // VPC spans all AZs
            subnetConfiguration: [{
                cidrMask: 24,
                name: 'private',
                subnetType: SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_EGRESS
            }, {
                cidrMask: 24,
                name: 'public',
                subnetType: SubnetType.PUBLIC
            natGatewaySubnets: {
                availabilityZones: ['us-east-1b'] // NAT gateway only in 1 AZ 
                subnetType: SubnetType.PUBLIC

Access to registered resources from other resource providers and/or add-ons and teams:

 * Provides API to register resource providers and get access to the provided resources.
export class ResourceContext {

     * Adds a new resource provider and specifies the name under which the provided resource will be registered,
     * @param name Specifies the name key under which the provided resources will be registered for subsequent look-ups.
     * @param provider Implementation of the resource provider interface
     * @returns the provided resource
    public add<T extends cdk.IResource = cdk.IResource>(name: string, provider: ResourceProvider<T>) : T {

     * Gets the provided resource by the supplied name. 
     * @param name under which the resource provider was registered
     * @returns the resource or undefined if the specified resource was not found
    public get<T extends cdk.IResource = cdk.IResource>(name: string) : T | undefined {

Convenience API to access registered resources from add-ons:

 * Cluster info supplies all contextual information on the cluster configuration, registered resources and add-ons 
 * which could be leveraged by the framework, add-on implementations and teams.
export class ClusterInfo {

     * Provides the resource context object associated with this instance of the EKS Blueprint.
     * @returns resource context object
    public getResourceContext(): ResourceContext {
        return this.resourceContext;

     * Provides the resource registered under supplied name
     * @param name of the resource to be returned
     * @returns Resource object or undefined if no resource was found
    public getResource<T extends cdk.IResource>(name: string): T | undefined {

     * Same as {@link getResource} but will fail if the specified resource is not found
     * @param name of the resource to be returned
     * @returns Resource object (fails if not found)
    public getRequiredResource<T extends cdk.IResource>(name: string): T {


Registering Resource Providers for a Blueprint

Note: GlobalResources.HostedZone and GlobalResources.Certificate are provided for convenience as commonly referenced constants. Full list of Resource Providers can be found here.

const myVpcId = ...;  // e.g. app.node.tryGetContext('my-vpc', 'default)  will look up property my-vpc in the cdk.json

    //  Specify VPC for the cluster (if not set, a new VPC will be provisioned as per EKS Best Practices)
    .resourceProvider(GlobalResources.VPC, new VpcProvider(myVpcId))
    //  Specify KMS Key as cluster secrets encryption key
    .resourceProvider(GlobalResources.KmsKey, new CreateKmsKeyProvider('my-alias-name'))    
    //  Register hosted zone and give it a name of GlobalResources.HostedZone
    .resourceProvider(GlobalResources.HostedZone, new ImportHostedZoneProvider('hosted-zone-id1', ''))
    .resourceProvider("internal-hosted-zone", new ImportHostedZoneProvider('hosted-zone-id2', ''))
    // Register certificate GlobalResources.Certificate name and reference the hosted zone registered in the previous step
    .resourceProvider(GlobalResources.Certificate, new CreateCertificateProvider('domain-wildcard-cert', '*', GlobalResources.HostedZone))
    .resourceProvider("private-ca", new CreateCertificateProvider('internal-wildcard-cert', '*', "internal-hosted-zone"))
    // Create EFS file system and register it under the name of efs-file-system
    .resourceProvider("efs-file-system", new CreateEfsFileSystemProvider('efs-file-system'))
    // Create an S3 bucket and register it
    .resourceProvider('blueprint-s3', new blueprints.CreateS3BucketProvider({
        name: `bucket-name`, // This bucket name must be globally unique 
        id: 'blueprints-s3-bucket-id',
        s3BucketProps: { removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY }
    .addOns(new AwsLoadBalancerControllerAddOn())
    // Use hosted zone for External DNS
    .addOns(new ExternalDnsAddOn({hostedZoneResources: [GlobalResources.HostedZone]}))
    // Use certificate registered before with NginxAddon
    .addOns(new NginxAddOn({
        certificateResourceName: GlobalResources.Certificate,
        externalDnsHostname: ''
    .build(app, 'stack-with-resource-providers');

Registering Multiple Hosted Zones

    //  Register hosted zone1 under the name of MyHostedZone1
    .resourceProvider("MyHostedZone1", new ImportHostedZoneProvider('hosted-zone-id1', ''))
    // Register zone2 under the name of MyHostedZone2
    .resourceProvider("MyHostedZone2", new ImportHostedZoneProvider('hosted-zone-id2', ''))
    // Register certificate and reference the hosted zone1 registered in the previous steps
    .resourceProvider("MyCert", new CreateCertificateProvider('domain-wildcard-cert', '*', "MyHostedZone1"))
    .addOns(new AwsLoadBalancerControllerAddOn())
    // Use hosted zones for External DNS
    .addOns(new ExternalDnsAddOn({hostedZoneResources: ["MyHostedZone1", "MyHostedZone2"]}))
    // Use certificate registered before with NginxAddon
    .addOns(new NginxAddOn({
        certificateResourceName: "MyCert",
        externalDnsHostname: ''
    .build(app, 'stack-with-resource-providers');

Using Resource Providers with CDK Constructs

Some constructs used in the EKSBlueprint stack are standard CDK constructs that accept CDK resources.

For example, GenericClusterProvider (which is the basis for all cluster providers) allows passing resources like IRole, SecurityGroup and other properties that customers may find inconvenient to define with a builder pattern.

Blueprints provide a convenience API to register such resources in a declarative manner.

Example with an anonymous resource:

const clusterProvider = new blueprints.GenericClusterProvider({
    version: KubernetesVersion.V1_29,
    mastersRole: blueprints.getResource(context => { // will generate a unique name for resource. designed for cases when resource is defined once and needed in a single place.
        return new iam.Role(context.scope, 'AdminRole', { assumedBy: new AccountRootPrincipal() });
    managedNodeGroups: [

    .build(scope, blueprintID, props);

Example with a named resource:

const clusterProvider = new blueprints.GenericClusterProvider({
    version: KubernetesVersion.V1_29,
    mastersRole: blueprints.getNamedResource("my-role") as iam.Role,
    managedNodeGroups: [

    .resourceProvider("my-role", new blueprints.LookupRoleProvider("SomeExistingRole")) // enables to look up this role from ClusterInfo under "my-role" in add-ons, etc.
    .build(scope, blueprintID, props);

Implementing Custom Resource Providers

  1. Select the type of the resource that you need. Let's say it will be an FSx File System. Note: it must be one of the derivatives/implementations of IResource interface.
  2. Implement ResourceProvider interface:
class MyResourceProvider implements blueprints.ResourceProvider<fsx.IFileSystem> {
    provide(context: blueprints.ResourceContext): s3.IBucket {
        return new fsx.LustreFileSystem(context.scope, "FsxLustreFileSystem");
  1. Register your resource provider under an arbitrary name which must be unique in the current scope across all resource providers:
    .resourceProvider("FsxLustreFileSystem" ,new MyResourceProvider())
  1. Use the resource inside a custom add-on:
class MyCustomAddOn implements blueprints.ClusterAddOn {
    deploy(clusterInfo: ClusterInfo): void | Promise<cdk.Construct> {
        const myFsxfileSystem: fsx.LustreFileSystem = clusterInfo.getRequiredResource('FsxLustreFileSystem'); // will fail if the file system does not exist
        // do something with the file system