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The eks-blueprints framework leverages a modular approach to managing Add-ons that run within the context of a Kubernetes cluster. Customers are free to select the add-ons that run in each of their blueprint clusters.

Within the context of the eks-blueprints framework, an add-on is abstracted as ClusterAddOn interface, and the implementation of the add-on interface can do whatever is necessary to support the desired add-on functionality. This can include applying manifests to a Kubernetes cluster or calling AWS APIs to provision new resources.

Supported Add-ons

The framework currently supports the following add-ons.

Addon Description x86_64/amd64 arm64
ACKAddOn Adds ACK (AWS Controllers for Kubernetes .
AdotAddOn Adds AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) Operator.
AmpAdotAddOn Deploys ADOT Collector for Prometheus to remote write metrics from AMP.
AppMeshAddOn Adds an AppMesh controller and CRDs.
ApacheAirflowAddOn This add-on is an implementation of Apache Airflow on EKS using the official helm chart.
ArgoCDAddOn Provisions Argo CD into your cluster.
AWS Batch for EKS Enables EKS cluster to be used with AWS Batch on EKS
AWS CloudWatch Insgihts Provisions CloudWatch Insights to be used with the EKS cluster.
AWS for Fluent Bit Provisions Fluent Bit into your cluster for log aggregation and consumption.
AWS Load Balancer Controller Provisions the AWS Load Balancer Controller into your cluster.
AWS Node Termination Handler Provisions Node Termination Handler into your cluster.
AWS Private CA Issuer Installs AWS Private CA Issuer into your cluster.
Backstage Installs Backstage.
CertManagerAddOn Adds Certificate Manager to your EKS cluster.
CalicoOperatorAddOn Adds the Calico CNI/Network policy cluster.
CloudWatchAdotAddOn Adds Cloudwatch exporter based on ADOT operator integrating monitoring with CloudWatch.
CloudWatchLogsAddOn Adds AWS for Fluent Bit to the cluster that exports logs to CloudWatch.
ClusterAutoscalerAddOn Adds the standard cluster autoscaler.
ContainerInsightsAddOn Adds support for container insights.
CoreDnsAddOn Adds CoreDNS Amazon EKS add-on. CoreDNS is a flexible, extensible DNS server that can serve as the Kubernetes cluster DNS.
DatadogAddOn Adds Datadog Amazon EKS add-on. Datadog is the monitoring and security platform for cloud applications.
Dynatrace Adds the Dynatrace OneAgent Operator.
EbsCsiDriverAddOn Adds EBS CSI Driver Amazon EKS add-on. This driver manages the lifecycle of Amazon EBS volumes for persistent storage.
EfsCsiDriverAddOn Adds EFS CSI Driver Amazon EKS add-on. This driver manages the lifecycle of Amazon EFS volumes for persistent storage.
EmrOnEksAddOn Enable EKS cluster to be used with EMR on EKS
ExternalDnsAddOn Adds External DNS support for AWS to the cluster, integrating with Amazon Route 53.
ExternalSecretsAddOn Adds External Secrets Operator to the cluster.
FluxcdAddOn Setting up Fluxcd to manage one or more Kubernetes clusters.
GpuOperatorAddon Deploys NVIDIA GPU Operator on your EKS Cluster to manage configuration of drivers and software dependencies for GPU instances
GrafanaOperatorAddon Deploys GrafanaOperatorAddon on your EKS Cluster to manage Amazon Managed Grafana and other external Grafana instances.
IngressNginxAddOn Adds Kubernetes NGINX ingress controller
IstioBaseAddOn Adds support for Istio base chart to the EKS cluster.
InstanaAddOn Adds the IBM® Instana® Agent Operator to the EKS cluster.
IstioControlPlaneAddOn Installs Istio Control Plane addon to the EKS cluster.
IstioCniAddOn Installs Istio Cni Plugin addon to the EKS cluster.
IstioIngressGatewayAddOn Installs Istio Ingress Gateway Plugin to the EKS cluster.
JupyterHubAddOn Adds JupyterHub support for AWS to the cluster.
Kasten-K10AddOn Kasten K10 add-on installs Kasten K10 into your Amazon EKS cluster.
KedaAddOn Installs Keda into EKS cluster.
Keptn Keptn Control Plane and Execution Plane AddOn.
KnativeAddOn Deploys the KNative Operator to ease setting up the rest of KNatives CRDs
KomodorAddOn Adds the Komodor Agent to the EKS Cluster.
KonveyorAddOn Adds Konveyor to the EKS Cluster.
KubecostAddOn Adds Kubecost cost analyzer to the EKS cluster.
KubeflowAddOn Adds kubeflow Kubeflow pipeline addon the EKS cluster.
KubeRayAddOn Installs the KubeRay Operator.
KubeviousAddOn Adds Kubevious open source Kubernetes dashboard to an EKS cluster.
KarpenterAddOn Adds Karpenter support for Amazon EKS.
KubeProxyAddOn Adds kube-proxy Amazon EKS add-on. Kube-proxy maintains network rules on each Amazon EC2 node.
KubeStateMetricsAddOn Adds kube-state-metrics into the EKS cluster.
KubesharkAddOn Deep visibility and monitoring of all API traffic
MetricsServerAddOn Adds metrics server (pre-req for HPA and other monitoring tools).
NewRelicAddOn Adds New Relic and Pixie observability for Amazon EKS.
NginxAddOn Adds NGINX ingress controller
NeuronDevicePluginAddOn Adds Neuron Device Plugin Addon
NeuronMonitorAddOn Adds Neuron Monitor Addon
OpaGatekeeperAddOn Adds OPA Gatekeeper
ParalusAddOn Adds Paralus
PixieAddOn Adds Pixie to the EKS Cluster. Pixie provides auto-telemetry for requests, metrics, application profiles, and more.
PrometheusNodeExporterAddOn Adds prometheus-node-exporter to the EKS Cluster. Prometheus Node Exporter enables you to measure various machine resources such as memory, disk and CPU utilization.
Rafay Adds Rafay’s Kubernetes Operations Platform (KOP) to the EKS Cluster. Rafay allows you to deploy, operate, and manage the lifecycle of Kubernetes clusters
SecretsStoreAddOn Adds AWS Secrets Manager and Config Provider for Secret Store CSI Driver to the EKS Cluster.
Snyk Adds the Snyk Monitor to the EKS Cluster.
SSMAgentAddOn Adds Amazon SSM Agent to worker nodes.
UpboundUniversalCrossplaneAddOn Allows Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters to manage the lifecycle of Crossplane distribution.
VpcCniAddOn Adds the Amazon VPC CNI Amazon EKS addon to support native VPC networking for Amazon EKS.
VeleroAddOn Adds Velero to the EKS Cluster.
XrayAddOn Adds XRay Daemon to the EKS Cluster. NA NA
XrayAdotAddOn Deploys ADOT Collector for Xray to receive traces from your workloads.
GmaestroAddOn Adds gMaestro cost optimization solution for EKS cluster.
EksPodIdentityAgentAddOn Setting up the EKS Pod Identity Agent
# Standard Helm Add-On Configuration Options

Many add-ons leverage helm to provision and maintain deployments. All provided add-ons that leverage helm allow specifying the following add-on attributes:

     * Name of the helm chart (add-on)
    name?: string,

     * Namespace where helm release will be installed
    namespace?: string,

     * Chart name
    chart?: string,

     * Helm chart version.
    version?: string,

     * Helm release
    release?: string,

     * Helm repository
    repository?: string,

     * When global helm version validation is enabled with HelmAddOn.validateHelmVersions = true
     * allows to skip validation for a particular helm add-on. 
    skipVersionValidation?: boolean,

     * Optional values for the helm chart.
    values?: Values

Ability to set repository url may be leveraged for private repositories.

Version field can be modified from the default chart version, e.g. if the add-on should be upgraded to the desired version, however, since the helm chart version supplied by the customer may not have been tested as part of the Blueprints release process, Blueprints community may not be able to reproduce/fix issues related to the helm chart version upgrade.

Helm Version Validation

All add-ons that derive from HelmAddOn support optional version validation against the latest published version in the target helm repository.

Helm version validation can result either in a warning on console during list, synth and deploy operations or an exception if the target helm repository contains higher version than the one leveraged in the add-on.

Example output:

INFO  Chart argo-cd-4.9.12 is at the latest version. 
INFO  Chart external-dns-6.6.0 is at the latest version. 
WARN Upgrade is needed for chart gatekeeper-3.8.1: latest version is 3.9.0-beta.2. 
INFO  Chart appmesh-controller-1.5.0 is at the latest version. 
INFO  Chart tigera-operator-v3.23.2 is at the latest version. 
WARN Upgrade is needed for chart adot-exporter-for-eks-on-ec2-0.1.0: latest version is 0.6.0. 
INFO  Chart aws-load-balancer-controller-1.4.2 is at the latest version. 
INFO  Chart nginx-ingress-0.14.0 is at the latest version. 
INFO  Chart velero-2.30.1 is at the latest version. 
INFO  Chart falco-1.19.4 is at the latest version. 
WARN Upgrade is needed for chart karpenter-0.13.1: latest version is 0.13.2. 
INFO  Chart kubevious-1.0.10 is at the latest version. 
INFO  Chart aws-efs-csi-driver-2.2.7 is at the latest version. 
INFO  Chart keda-2.7.2 is at the latest version. 
INFO  Chart secrets-store-csi-driver-1.2.1 is at the latest version. 
  • Enable/Disable Helm version validation globally
import { HelmAddOn } from '@aws-quickstart/eks-blueprints';

HelmAddOn.validateHelmVersions = true; // by default will print out warnings
HelmAddOn.failOnVersionValidation = true; // enable synth to throw exceptions on validation check failures
  • Enable/Disable Helm version validation per add-on
new blueprints.addons.MetricsServerAddOn({
    skipVersionValidation: true