If you’re an AWS Partner, you can build an AWS CloudFormation Partner Solution by following these steps:

STEP 1. Show us your idea.

STEP 2. Answer a few questions.

STEP 3. Build, test, and document your Partner Solution.

STEP 4. Launch your Partner Solution with us.

STEP 5. Maintain your Partner Solution.

Contact your AWS Partner Development Manager (PDM) or Partner Solutions Architect (PSA) to pitch your idea. Provide specifications and an architecture diagram so we can determine whether your proposal is a fit for the Partner Solution catalog.

If we approve your proposal, we’ll schedule a kickoff meeting to gather more details:

  • Project name
  • Project description
  • GitHub user names (so we can give you permissions to the repository)
  • List of all software that your Partner Solution installs, distributes, or uses. For each, specify the following:
    • Software package name
    • License requirements
    • License type: BYOL, trial, open-source, other (specify)
    • How the software is installed (with the Partner Solution or from another site)
  • Brief description of how the Partner Solution code will function
  • Contact names for:
    • Development-related questions
    • Launch and marketing-related questions
    • Postrelease maintenance questions
    • License-related questions

When the project is approved, you can start coding.

  1. Build your CloudFormation-based Partner Solution. Look in our examples repository for starter templates:

  2. Test your CloudFormation templates.

  3. Build your AWS Partner Solution documentation.

When you complete your development and documentation tasks, the Integration & Automation team publishes the AWS CloudFormation templates and documentation. You can improve visibility and adoption of your solution by promoting it on your website using blog posts, links, and social media.

Keep your Partner Solution up to date as follows:

  • Revise the Partner Solution with new versions of your software, new AMIs, new AWS Regions, and any other updates.
  • Respond to questions and suggestions posted by customers in the GitHub repository.
  • Fix bugs or issues reported by customers or uncovered through our testing process.
  • Communicate a support path or contact person for issues.
  • Obsess over your customers and respond quickly to feedback.

If the Partner Solution becomes stale or stops functioning properly, and you’re unable to address the issues, we will unpublish it.

If you have questions, email us (the AWS Integration & Automation team).