User provided options for the Helm Chart

interface FluxCDAddOnProps {
    buckets?: FluxBucketRepo[];
    chart?: string;
    createNamespace?: boolean;
    dependencyMode?: boolean;
    name?: string;
    namespace?: string;
    release?: string;
    repositories?: FluxGitRepo[];
    repository?: string;
    skipVersionValidation?: boolean;
    values?: Values;
    version?: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


buckets?: FluxBucketRepo[]

List of buckets to sync from.

chart?: string

Chart name

createNamespace?: boolean

To Create Namespace using CDK

dependencyMode?: boolean

Indicate the helm chart provided uses dependency mode ( Dependency mode is widely used in aws-samples/eks-blueprints-add-ons repository, for example: Dependency mode requires the chart values to be wrapped within the chart name. This value is only used to turn off dependency mode in case customers choose to copy the whole helm chart into their repo

name?: string

Name of the helm chart (add-on)

namespace?: string

Namespace where add-on will be deployed.

release?: string

Helm release

repositories?: FluxGitRepo[]

List of repositories to sync from.

repository?: string

Helm repository

skipVersionValidation?: boolean

When global helm version validation is enabled with HelmAddOn.validateHelmVersions = true allows to skip validation for a particular helm add-on.

values?: Values
version?: string

Helm chart version to use to install.
