Options for a FluxCD Bucket.

interface FluxBucketRepo {
    bucketName: string;
    bucketRegion: string;
    endpoint?: string;
    kustomizations?: FluxKustomizationProps[];
    name: string;
    namespace?: string;
    prefixPath?: string;
    provider?: string;
    secretRefName?: string;
    syncInterval?: string;
    values?: Values;


bucketName: string

Source S3 Bucket name

bucketRegion: string

Source S3 Bucket region

endpoint?: string

Override S3 Bucket endpoint (optional) Default s3.amazonaws.com

kustomizations?: FluxKustomizationProps[]

List of kustomizations to create from different paths in repo (optional)

name: string

Name of the FluxCD bucket resource.

namespace?: string

Namespace for the FluxCD bucket source (optional) Default is the chart namespace

prefixPath?: string

Prefix path used for server-side filtering (optional)

provider?: string

Override S3 Bucket provider (optional) Default aws

secretRefName?: string

References to a Secret containing accesskey and secretkey fields to authenticate as an IAM user (optional) Default to authentication using the IAM instance profile

syncInterval?: string

Syncronization time interval for Flux sync Default 5m0s

values?: Values