Deployment of a single Stage

A Stage consists of one or more Stacks, which will be deployed in dependency order.


post: Step[]

Additional steps that are run after all of the stacks in the stage

pre: Step[]

Additional steps that are run before any of the stacks in the stage

prepareStep?: boolean

Determine if all stacks in stage should be deployed with prepare step or not.

stackSteps: StackSteps[]

Instructions for additional steps that are run at stack level

stacks: StackDeployment[]

The stacks deployed in this stage

stageName: string

The display name of this stage


  • Add an additional step to run after all of the stacks in this stage


    • Rest...steps: Step[]

    Returns void

  • Add an additional step to run before any of the stacks in this stage


    • Rest...steps: Step[]

    Returns void

  • Create a new StageDeployment from a Stage

    Synthesizes the target stage, and deployes the stacks found inside in dependency order.


    Returns StageDeployment