Deployment of a single Stack

You don't need to instantiate this class -- it will be automatically instantiated as necessary when you add a Stage to a pipeline.



absoluteTemplatePath: string

Template path on disk to CloudAssembly

account?: string

Account where the stack should be deployed


- Pipeline account
assets: StackAsset[]

Assets referenced by this stack

assumeRoleArn?: string

Role to assume before deploying this stack


- Don't assume any role
changeSet: Step[]

Steps that take place after stack is prepared but before stack deploys. Your pipeline engine may not disable prepareStep.

constructPath: string

Construct path for this stack

executionRoleArn?: string

Execution role to pass to CloudFormation


- No execution role
post: Step[]

Steps to execute after stack deploys

pre: Step[]

Steps that take place before stack is prepared. If your pipeline engine disables 'prepareStep', then this will happen before stack deploys

region?: string

Region where the stack should be deployed


- Pipeline region
stackArtifactId: string

Artifact ID for this stack

stackDependencies: StackDeployment[]

Other stacks this stack depends on

stackName: string

Name for this stack

tags: Record<string, string>

Tags to apply to the stack

templateAsset?: StackAsset

The asset that represents the CloudFormation template for this stack.

templateUrl?: string

The S3 URL which points to the template asset location in the publishing bucket.

This is undefined if the stack template is not published. Use the DefaultStackSynthesizer to ensure it is.

Example value:


  • Add a dependency on another stack


    Returns void

  • Adds steps to each phase of the stack


    • pre: Step[]

      steps executed before stack.prepare

    • changeSet: Step[]

      steps executed after stack.prepare and before stack.deploy

    • post: Step[]

      steps executed after stack.deploy

    Returns void

  • Build a StackDeployment from a Stack Artifact in a Cloud Assembly.


    • stackArtifact: CloudFormationStackArtifact

    Returns StackDeployment

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