Configuration options for a CodeCommit source

interface CodeCommitSourceOptions {
    actionName?: string;
    codeBuildCloneOutput?: boolean;
    eventRole?: IRole;
    trigger?: CodeCommitTrigger;


actionName?: string

The action name used for this source in the CodePipeline


- The repository name
codeBuildCloneOutput?: boolean

If this is set, the next CodeBuild job clones the repository (instead of CodePipeline downloading the files).

This provides access to repository history, and retains symlinks (symlinks would otherwise be removed by CodePipeline).

Note: if this option is true, only CodeBuild jobs can use the output artifact.

eventRole?: IRole

Role to be used by on commit event rule. Used only when trigger value is CodeCommitTrigger.EVENTS.


a new role will be created.
trigger?: CodeCommitTrigger

How should CodePipeline detect source changes for this Action.



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