A GitHub OAuth token to use for authentication stored with AWS Secret Manager. The provided name will be looked up using the following:
const credentials = cdk.SecretValue.secretsManager('my-github-token');
The GitHub Personal Access Token should have these scopes:
nameOptional name for the bootstrap application
ownerThe owner of the repository for the pipeline (GitHub handle).
pathPath within the repository
Expected to support helm style repo at the moment
targetOptional target revision for the repository. TargetRevision defines the revision of the source to sync the application to. In case of Git, this can be commit, tag, or branch. If omitted, will equal to HEAD. In case of Helm, this is a semver tag for the Chart's version.
triggerHow GitHub source action will be triggered.
credentialsType is excluded and the only supported credentialsSecret is a plaintext GitHub OAuth token. repoUrl