User provided option for the Helm Chart

interface VpcCniAddOnProps {
    additionalEniTags?: string;
    annotatePodIp?: boolean;
    awsEc2Endpoint?: string;
    awsExternalServiceCidrs?: string;
    awsManageEnisNonSchedulable?: boolean;
    awsVpcCniNodePortSupport?: boolean;
    awsVpcEniMtu?: number;
    awsVpcK8sCniCustomNetworkCfg?: boolean;
    awsVpcK8sCniExternalSnat?: boolean;
    awsVpcK8sCniLogFile?: string;
    awsVpcK8sCniLogLevel?: string;
    awsVpcK8sCniRandomizeSnat?: string;
    awsVpcK8sCniVethPrefix?: string;
    awsVpcK8sExcludeSnatCidrs?: string;
    awsVpcK8sPluginLogFile?: string;
    awsVpcK8sPluginLogLevel?: string;
    branchENICooldown?: number;
    clusterEndpoint?: string;
    customNetworkingConfig?: CustomNetworkingConfig;
    disableIntrospection?: boolean;
    disableLeakedEniCleanup?: boolean;
    disableMetrics?: boolean;
    disablenetworkResourceProvisioning?: boolean;
    disableTcpEarlyDemux?: boolean;
    enableBandwidthPlugin?: boolean;
    enableNetworkPolicy?: boolean;
    enableNftables?: boolean;
    enablePodEni?: boolean;
    enablePrefixDelegation?: boolean;
    enableV6Egress?: boolean;
    enableWindowsIpam?: boolean;
    enableWindowsPrefixDelegation?: boolean;
    eniConfigAnnotationDef?: string;
    eniConfigLabelDef?: string;
    introspectionBindAddress?: string;
    maxEni?: number;
    minimumIpTarget?: number;
    minimumWindowsIPTarget?: number;
    podSecurityGroupEnforcingMode?: string;
    serviceAccountPolicies?: IManagedPolicy[];
    version?: string;
    warmEniTarget?: number;
    warmIpTarget?: number;
    warmPrefixTarget?: number;
    warmWindowsIPTarget?: number;
    warmWindowsPrefixTarget?: number;


additionalEniTags?: string

ADDITIONAL_ENI_TAGS Environment Variable. Type: String. Metadata applied to ENI helps you categorize and organize your resources for billing or other purposes.

annotatePodIp?: boolean

ANNOTATE_POD_IP Environment Variable. Type: Boolean. Setting ANNOTATE_POD_IP to true will allow IPAMD to add an annotation to the pod with pod IP.

awsEc2Endpoint?: string

AWS_EC2_ENDPOINT Environment Variable. Type: string. Specifies the EC2 endpoint to use. This is useful if you are using a custom endpoint for EC2.

awsExternalServiceCidrs?: string

AWS_EXTERNAL_SERVICE_CIDRS Environment Variable. Type: string. Specify a comma-separated list of IPv4 CIDRs that must be routed via main routing table. This is required for secondary ENIs to reach endpoints outside of VPC that are backed by a service.

awsManageEnisNonSchedulable?: boolean

AWS_MANAGE_ENIS_NON_SCHEDULABLE Environment Variable. Type: Boolean. Specifies whether IPAMD should allocate or deallocate ENIs on a non-schedulable node.

awsVpcCniNodePortSupport?: boolean

AWS_VPC_CNI_NODE_PORT_SUPPORT Environment Variable. Type: Boolean. Specifies whether NodePort services are enabled on a worker node's primary network interface.

awsVpcEniMtu?: number

AWS_VPC_ENI_MTU Environment Variable. Type: Integer. Used to configure the MTU size for attached ENIs. The valid range is from 576 to 9001.

awsVpcK8sCniCustomNetworkCfg?: boolean

AWS_VPC_K8S_CNI_CUSTOM_NETWORK_CFG Environment Variable. Type: Boolean. Specifies that your pods may use subnets and security groups that are independent of your worker node's VPC configuration.

awsVpcK8sCniExternalSnat?: boolean

AWS_VPC_K8S_CNI_EXTERNALSNAT Environment Variable. Type: Boolean. Specifies whether an external NAT gateway should be used to provide SNAT of secondary ENI IP addresses.

awsVpcK8sCniLogFile?: string

AWS_VPC_K8S_CNI_LOG_FILE Environment Variable. Type: String. Specifies where to write the logging output of ipamd. Either to stdout or to override the default file (i.e., /var/log/aws-routed-eni/ipamd.log).

awsVpcK8sCniLogLevel?: string

AWS_VPC_K8S_CNI_LOGLEVEL Environment Variable. Type: String. Specifies the loglevel for ipamd and cni-metric-helper.

awsVpcK8sCniRandomizeSnat?: string

AWS_VPC_K8S_CNI_RANDOMIZESNAT Environment Variable. Type: String. Specifies whether the SNAT iptables rule should randomize the outgoing ports for connections.

awsVpcK8sCniVethPrefix?: string

AWS_VPC_K8S_CNI_VETHPREFIX Environment Variable. Type: String. Specifies the veth prefix used to generate the host-side veth device name for the CNI.

awsVpcK8sExcludeSnatCidrs?: string

AWS_VPC_K8S_CNI_EXCLUDE_SNAT_CIDRS Environment Variable. Type: String. Specify a comma-separated list of IPv4 CIDRs to exclude from SNAT.

awsVpcK8sPluginLogFile?: string

AWS_VPC_K8S_PLUGIN_LOG_FILE Environment Variable. Type: String. Specifies where to write the logging output for aws-cni plugin.

awsVpcK8sPluginLogLevel?: string

AWS_VPC_K8S_PLUGIN_LOG_LEVEL Environment Variable. Type: String. Specifies the loglevel for aws-cni plugin.

branchENICooldown?: number

branch-eni-cooldown value in amazon-vpc-cni config map. Format integer.

clusterEndpoint?: string

CLUSTER_ENDPOINT Environment Variable. Type: String. Specifies the cluster endpoint to use for connecting to the api-server without relying on kube-proxy.

customNetworkingConfig?: CustomNetworkingConfig

CustomNetworkingConfig holding Secondary Subnet IDs for creating ENIConfig

disableIntrospection?: boolean

DISABLE_INTROSPECTION Environment Variable. Type: Boolean.

disableLeakedEniCleanup?: boolean

DISABLE_LEAKED_ENI_CLEANUP Environment Variable. Type: Boolean.

disableMetrics?: boolean

DISABLE_METRICS Environment Variable. Type: Boolean. Specifies whether the prometheus metrics endpoint is disabled or not for ipamd. By default metrics are published on :61678/metrics.

disablenetworkResourceProvisioning?: boolean

DISABLE_NETWORK_RESOURCE_PROVISIONING Environment Variable. Type: Boolean. Setting DISABLE_NETWORK_RESOURCE_PROVISIONING to true will make IPAMD depend only on IMDS to get attached ENIs and IPs/prefixes.

disableTcpEarlyDemux?: boolean

DISABLE_TCP_EARLY_DEMUX Environment Variable. Type: Boolean. If ENABLE_POD_ENI is set to true, for the kubelet to connect via TCP to pods that are using per pod security groups, DISABLE_TCP_EARLY_DEMUX should be set to true for amazon-k8s-cni-init the container under initcontainers.

enableBandwidthPlugin?: boolean

ENABLE_BANDWIDTH_PLUGIN Environment Variable. Type: Boolean. Setting ENABLE_BANDWIDTH_PLUGIN to true will update 10-aws.conflist to include upstream bandwidth plugin as a chained plugin.

enableNetworkPolicy?: boolean

Enable kubernetes network policy in the VPC CNI introduced in vpc-cni 1.14 More informaton on official AWS documentation:

enableNftables?: boolean

ENABLE_NFTABLES Environment Variable. Type: Boolean. VPC CNI uses iptables-legacy by default. Setting ENABLE_NFTABLES to true will update VPC CNI to use iptables-nft

enablePodEni?: boolean

ENABLE_POD_ENI Environment Variable. Type: Boolean. Setting ENABLE_POD_ENI to true will allow IPAMD to add the label to the node if the instance has the capacity to attach an additional ENI.

enablePrefixDelegation?: boolean

ENABLE_PREFIX_DELEGATION Environment Variable. Type: Boolean. To enable prefix delegation on nitro instances. Setting ENABLE_PREFIX_DELEGATION to true will start allocating a prefix (/28 for IPv4 and /80 for IPv6) instead of a secondary IP in the ENIs subnet.

enableV6Egress?: boolean

ENABLE_V6_EGRESS Environment Variable. Type: Boolean. Specifies whether PODs in an IPv4 cluster support IPv6 egress. If env is set to true, range fd00::ac:00/118 is reserved for IPv6 egress.

enableWindowsIpam?: boolean

Enable windows support for your cluster

enableWindowsPrefixDelegation?: boolean

Enable prefix delegation for Windows nodes

eniConfigAnnotationDef?: string

ENI_CONFIG_ANNOTATION_DEF Environment Variable. Type: String. Specifies node annotation key name. This should be used when AWS_VPC_K8S_CNI_CUSTOM_NETWORK_CFG=true

eniConfigLabelDef?: string

ENI_CONFIG_LABEL_DEF Environment Variable. Type: String. Specifies node label key name. This should be used when AWS_VPC_K8S_CNI_CUSTOM_NETWORK_CFG=true.

introspectionBindAddress?: string

INTROSPECTION_BIND_ADDRESS Environment Variable. Type: String. Specifies the bind address for the introspection endpoint.

maxEni?: number

MAX_ENI Environment Variable. Format integer. Specifies the maximum number of ENIs that will be attached to the node.

minimumIpTarget?: number

MINIMUM_IP_TARGET Environment Variable. Format integer. Specifies the number of total IP addresses that the ipamd daemon should attempt to allocate for pod assignment on the node.

minimumWindowsIPTarget?: number

minimum-ip-target value in amazon-vpc-cni config map. Format integer. Specifies the number of total IP addresses that the ipamd daemon should attempt to allocate for pod assignment on a Windows nodes.

podSecurityGroupEnforcingMode?: string

POD_SECURITY_GROUP_ENFORCING_MODE Environment Variable. Type: String. Once ENABLE_POD_ENI is set to true, this value controls how the traffic of pods with the security group behaves.

serviceAccountPolicies?: IManagedPolicy[]

If specified, an IRSA account will be created for the VPC-CNI add-on with the IRSA role having the specified managed policies. When specified, the node role for the cluster provider can be configured without the CNI policy.

For IPv4 the required managed policy is AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy.

serviceAccountPolicies: [ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName("AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy")]
version?: string

Version of the add-on to use. Must match the version of the cluster where it will be deployed.

warmEniTarget?: number

WARM_ENI_TARGET Environment Variable. Format integer. Specifies the number of free elastic network interfaces (and all of their available IP addresses) that the ipamd daemon should attempt to keep available for pod assignment on the node.

warmIpTarget?: number

WARM_IP_TARGET Environment Variable. Format integer. Specifies the number of free IP addresses that the ipamd daemon should attempt to keep available for pod assignment on the node.

warmPrefixTarget?: number

WARM_PREFIX_TARGET Environment Variable. Format integer. Specifies the number of free IPv4(/28) prefixes that the ipamd daemon should attempt to keep available for pod assignment on the node.

warmWindowsIPTarget?: number

warm-ip-target value in amazon-vpc-cni config map. Format integer. Specifies the number of free IP addresses that the ipamd daemon should attempt to keep available for pod assignment on Windows nodes.

warmWindowsPrefixTarget?: number

warm-prefix-target value in amazon-vpc-cni config map. Format integer. Specifies the number of free IPv4(/28) prefixes that the ipamd daemon should attempt to keep available for pod assignment on Windows nodes.