User provided options for the Helm Chart

interface KedaAddOnProps {
    chart?: string;
    dependencyMode?: boolean;
    irsaRoles?: string[];
    kedaOperatorName?: string;
    kedaServiceAccountName?: string;
    name?: string;
    namespace?: string;
    podSecurityContextFsGroup?: number;
    release?: string;
    repository?: string;
    securityContextRunAsGroup?: number;
    securityContextRunAsUser?: number;
    skipVersionValidation?: boolean;
    values?: Values;
    version?: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


chart?: string

Chart name

dependencyMode?: boolean

Indicate the helm chart provided uses dependency mode ( Dependency mode is widely used in aws-samples/eks-blueprints-add-ons repository, for example: Dependency mode requires the chart values to be wrapped within the chart name. This value is only used to turn off dependency mode in case customers choose to copy the whole helm chart into their repo

irsaRoles?: string[]

An array of Managed IAM Policies which Service Account of KEDA operator needs for IRSA Eg: irsaRoles:["CloudWatchFullAccess","AmazonSQSFullAccess"]. If not empty Service Account will be Created by CDK with IAM Roles Mapped (IRSA). In case if its empty, Keda will create the Service Account with out IAM Roles

kedaOperatorName?: string

Name of the KEDA operator

kedaServiceAccountName?: string

The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated.

name?: string

Name of the helm chart (add-on)

namespace?: string

Namespace where helm release will be installed

podSecurityContextFsGroup?: number

securityContext: fsGroup Check the workaround for SQS Scalar with IRSA

Has no effect for version 2.14 and above. Update podSecurityContext.operator.fsGroup in Values instead. KEDA-is-secure-by-default with fsGroup: 1000

release?: string

Helm release

repository?: string

Helm repository

securityContextRunAsGroup?: number

securityContext:runAsGroup Check the workaround for SQS Scalar with IRSA

Has no effect for version 2.14 and above. Update podSecurityContext.operator.runAsGroup in Values instead. KEDA-is-secure-by-default with runAsGroup: 1000

securityContextRunAsUser?: number

securityContext:runAsUser Check the workaround for SQS Scalar with IRSA

Has no effect for version 2.14 and above. Update podSecurityContext.operator.runAsUser in Values instead. KEDA-is-secure-by-default with runAsUser: 1000

skipVersionValidation?: boolean

When global helm version validation is enabled with HelmAddOn.validateHelmVersions = true allows to skip validation for a particular helm add-on.

values?: Values

Optional values for the helm chart.

version?: string

Version of the helm chart to deploy