Team properties.

Hierarchy (view full)



name: string

Required unique name for organization. May map to an OU name.

namespace?: string

Defaults to team name prefixed by "team-"

namespaceAnnotations?: {
    [key: string]: any;
} = ...

Annotations such as necessary for GitOps engine.

namespaceHardLimits?: Values = ...

Optional, but highly recommended setting to ensure predictable demands.

namespaceLabels?: {
    [key: string]: any;

Labels such as necessary for AWS AppMesh

serviceAccountName?: string

Service Account Name

serviceAccountPolicies?: IManagedPolicy[]

If specified, the IRSA account will be created for with the IRSA role having the specified managed policies.

serviceAccountPolicies: [ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName("")]
teamManifestDir?: string

Optional, directory where a team's manifests are stored

teamSecrets?: CsiSecretProps[]

Team Secrets

userRoleArn?: string

Options existing role that should be used for cluster access. If userRole and users are not provided, then no IAM setup is performed.

users?: ArnPrincipal[]

Team members who need to get access to the cluster
