

addOns?: ClusterAddOn[] = []

Add-ons if any.

clusterProvider?: ClusterProvider = ...

EC2 or Fargate are supported in the blueprint but any implementation conforming the interface will work

compatibilityMode?: boolean

When set to true, will not use extra nesting for blueprint resources and attach them directly to the stack.

enableControlPlaneLogTypes?: ControlPlaneLogType[]

Control Plane log types to be enabled (if not passed, none) If wrong types are included, will throw an error.

enableGitOpsMode?: GitOpsMode

GitOps modes to be enabled. If not specified, GitOps mode is not enabled.

id: string

The id for the blueprint.

name?: string

Defaults to id if not provided

resourceProviders?: Map<string, ResourceProvider<IConstruct>> = ...

Named resource providers to leverage for cluster resources. The resource can represent Vpc, Hosting Zones or other resources, see spi.ResourceType. VPC for the cluster can be registered under the name of 'vpc' or as a single provider of type

teams?: Team[] = []

Teams if any

useDefaultSecretEncryption?: boolean = true

If set to true and no resouce provider for KMS key is defined (under GlobalResources.KmsKey), a default KMS encryption key will be used for envelope encryption of Kubernetes secrets (AWS managed new KMS key). If set to false, and no resouce provider for KMS key is defined (under GlobalResources.KmsKey), then no secrets encyrption is applied.

Default is true.

version?: KubernetesVersion | "auto"

Kubernetes version (must be initialized for addons to work properly)