ClusterAddOn is the interface to which all Cluster addons should conform. If the Promise is returned then the framework will ensure promises are resolved before the Teams setup() and postDeploy() methods are invoked. If void is returned, then no dependency features apply.

Promise<cdk.Construct> | void

Hierarchy (view full)



props: HelmChartConfiguration
failOnVersionValidation: boolean = false
validateHelmVersions: boolean = false


  • Return Velero Namespace where Velero will be installed onto


    • clusterInfo: ClusterInfo
    • defaultName: string

      the Default Namespace for Velero if nothing specified

    • namespace: string
    • create: boolean

    Returns {
        manifest?: Construct;
        name: string;

    the namespace created or existed.

    • Optionalmanifest?: Construct
    • name: string
  • Return Velero Namespace where Velero will be installed onto


    • clusterInfo: ClusterInfo
    • id: string
    • namespace: string

      Velero namespace name

    • s3Bucket: IBucket

    Returns ServiceAccount

    the service Account

  • Return S3 Bucket


    • clusterInfo: ClusterInfo
    • id: string


    • existingBucketName: null | string

      exiting provided S3 BucketName if it exists

    Returns IBucket

    the existing provided S3 bucket or the newly created S3 bucket as s3.IBucket