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Paralus Amazon EKS Addon

The Paralus project is a free open-source tool that enables controlled audited access to Kubernetes infrastructure. It comes with just-in-time service account creation and user-level credential management that integrates with your existing RBAC and SSO providers of choice. Learn more by visiting the offical documentation page:

Paralus Blueprint Addon deploys paralus controller on your EKS cluster using paralus construct implemented with the EKS Blueprints CDK. Detailed documentation on the same can be accessed from here.

The Paralus AddOn deploys the following resources:

  • Creates a single EKS cluster with a public endpoint (for demo purpose only) that includes a managed node group
  • Deploys supporting AddOn: AwsLoadBalancerController, VpcCni, KubeProxy, EbsCsiDriverAddOn
  • Deploy Paralus on the EKS cluster

NOTE: Paralus installs a few dependent modules such as Postgres, Kratos, and also comes with a built-in dashboard. At it's core, Paralus works atop domain-based routing, inter-service communication, and supports the AddOns mentioned above.

These features makes Kubernetes RBAC management centralized with a seamless experience

  • Creation of custom roles, users, and groups.
  • Dynamic and immediate changing and revoking of permissions.
  • Ability to control access via pre-configured roles across clusters, namespaces, projects, and more.
  • Seamless integration with Identity Providers (IdPs) allowing the use of external authentication engines for users and group definitions, such as GitHub, Google, Azure AD, Okta, and others.
  • Automatic logging of all user actions performed for audit and compliance purposes.
  • Interact with Paralus either with a modern web GUI (default), a CLI tool called pctl, or Paralus API.

Kubernetes Goat


You must have a domain and access to updating it's DNS records as paralus works atop domain based routing. If you need to create a domain using Amazon Route53, follow these instructions to get started.


Run the following command to install the paralus-eks-blueprints-addon dependency in your project.

npm i @paralus/paralus-eks-blueprints-addon

Sample EKS Blueprint using Paralus addon

import { App } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import * as blueprints from '@aws-quickstart/eks-blueprints';
import { ParalusAddOn } from '../dist';

const app = new App();

        new blueprints.AwsLoadBalancerControllerAddOn(),
        new blueprints.VpcCniAddOn(),
        new blueprints.KubeProxyAddOn(),
        new blueprints.EbsCsiDriverAddOn(),
        new blueprints.CertManagerAddOn(),
        new ParalusAddOn({
         namespace: 'paralus-system',
         * Values to pass to the chart as per
         // update this to your domain, as paralus works based on domain based routing
         values: {
            fqdn: {
                "domain": "",
                "hostname": "console-eks",
                "coreConnectorSubdomain": "*.core-connector.eks",
                "userSubdomain": "*.user.eks"
     .build(app, 'paralus-test-blueprint');

AddOn Options

Option Description Default
deploy.contour.enable Deploy and use Contour as the default ingress true
deploy.kratos.enable Deploy and use Kratos true
deploy.postgresql.enable Deploy and use postgres database false
deploy.postgresql.dsn DSN of your existing postgres database for paralus to use ""
deploy.fluentbit.enable Deploy and use fluentbit for auditlogs with database storage ""
paralus.initialize.adminEmail Admin email to access paralus admin@paralus.local Organization name using paralus "ParalusOrg" Default storage of auditlogs "database"
fqdn.domain Root domain "paralus.local"
fqdn.hostname subdomain used for viewing dashboard "console"
fqdn.coreConnectorSubdomain a wildcard subdomain used for controller cluster to target cluster communication "*.core-connector"
fqdn.userSubdomain a wildcard subdomain used for controller cluster to end user communication "*.user"
values Configuration values passed to the chart. See options. {}

Configure DNS Settings

Once Paralus is installed continue with following steps to configure DNS settings, reset default password and start using paralus

Obtain the external ip address by executing below command against the installation kubectl get svc blueprints-addon-paralus-contour-envoy -n paralus-system

NAME                            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                                     PORT(S)                         AGE
blueprints-addon-paralus-contour-envoy         LoadBalancer   80:31810/TCP,443:30292/TCP      10m

Update the DNS settings to add CNAME records

    name: console-eks 

    name: *.core-connector.eks  

    name: *.user.eks 

Obtain your default password and reset it upon first login

kubectl logs -f --namespace paralus-system $(kubectl get pods --namespace paralus-system -l'paralus' -o jsonpath='{ .items[0] }') initialize | grep 'Org Admin default password:'

You can now access dashboard with ( refers to the hostname.domain specified during installation ), start importing clusters and using paralus.

Note: you can also refer to this paralus eks blogpost


If you have any questions about Paralus, get in touch with the team on Slack.

Paralus is maintained and supported by Rafay