JupyterHub Add-on¶
⚠WARNING: This add-on is currently experience deployment issues due to the x509 certificate update. At the moment the deployment fails as is, however customer can still continue to use the add-on if they are willing to temporarily migrate the helm chart for version 2.0.0 their private helm (or OCI) registry and override the repository attribute of the add-on when deploying.
JupyterHub add-on is based on the JupyterHub project that supports a multi-user Hub to spawn, manage, and proxy multiple instances of single user Jupyter notebook server.
The Hub can offer notebook servers to a class of students, a corporate data science workgroup, a scientific research project, or a high-performance computing group.
For more information regarding a Jupyter notebook, please consult the official documentation.
IMPORTANT: This add-on depends on EBS CSI Driver Add-on for using EBS as persistent storage.
EBS CSI Driver or EFS CSI Driver add-on must be present in add-on array and must be in add-on array before the Jupyter add-on for it to work, as shown in below example (with EBS). Otherwise will run into error Assertion failed: Missing a dependency for <EbsCsiDriverAddOn or EfsCsiDriverAddOn>
import 'source-map-support/register';
import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import * as blueprints from '@aws-quickstart/eks-blueprints';
const app = new cdk.App();
const subdomain: string = utils.valueFromContext(scope, "dev.subzone.name", "jupyterhub.some.example.com");
const parentDnsAccountId = scope.node.tryGetContext("parent.dns.account")!;
const parentDomain = utils.valueFromContext(scope, "parent.hostedzone.name", "some.example.com");
const jupyterHubAddOn = new blueprints.addons.JupyterHubAddOn({
removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,
pvcName: "efs-persist",
capacity: "120Gi",
oidcConfig?: {
callbackUrl: "<Callback URL>",
authUrl: "<Authorization URL>",
tokenUrl: "<Token URL>",
userDataUrl: "<User Data URL>",
clientId: "<Client ID>",
clientSecret: "<Client Secret>",
scope: [], //list of OIDC provider scopes
usernameKey: "<username key>",
serviceType: blueprints.JupyterHubServiceType.ALB,
ingressHosts: [jupyterDNSname],
ingressAnnotations: {
'external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname': `${jupyterDNSname}`,
notebookStack: 'jupyter/datascience-notebook',
certificateResourceName?: 'your-certificate',
const awsAlbAddOn = new blueprints.addons.AwsLoadBalancerControllerAddOn(),
const efsCsiAddOn = new blueprints.addons.EfsCsiDriverAddOn();
const externalDnsAddOn = new blueprints.addons.ExternalDnsAddOn({
hostedZoneResources: [GlobalResources.HostedZone]
const addOns: Array<blueprints.ClusterAddOn> = [ awsAlbAddOn, externalDnsAddOn, efsCsiAddOn, jupyterHubAddOn ];
const blueprint = blueprints.EksBlueprint.builder()
.resourceProvider(GlobalResources.HostedZone, new DelegatingHostedZoneProvider({
delegatingRoleName: 'DomainOperatorRole',
wildcardSubdomain: true
.build(app, 'my-stack-name');
To validate that the JupyterHub add-on is running ensure that the add-on deployments for the controller and the webhook are in RUNNING
# Assuming add-on is installed in the jupyterhub.
$ kubectl get po -n jupyterhub
continuous-image-puller-2skff 1/1 Running 0 23m
continuous-image-puller-m6s5f 1/1 Running 0 23m
hub-7dc8888f68-67hnl 1/1 Running 0 23m
jupyter-admin 1/1 Running 0 16m
proxy-5df778944c-brrbf 1/1 Running 0 23m
user-scheduler-7dbd789bc4-8zrjs 1/1 Running 0 23m
user-scheduler-7dbd789bc4-gcb8z 1/1 Running 0 23m
- Deploys the jupyterhub helm chart in
namespace by default. - JupyterHub is backed with persistent storage. You must provide one (and only one) of the following configuration (or otherwise will receive an error):
- Leverage EBS as persistent storage with storage type and capacity provided. If you provide this configuration, EBS CSI Driver add-on must be present in add-on array and must be in add-on array before the JupyterHub add-on for it to work, as shown in above example. Otherwise it will not work.
- Leverage EFS as persistent storage with the name, capacity and file system removal policy provided. If you provide this configuration, EFS CSI Driver add-on must be present in add-on array and must be in add-on array before the JupyterHub add-on for it to work, as shown in above example. Otherwise it will not work.
- (Optional) Leverage OIDC Provider as a way to manage authentication and authorization. If not provided, the default creates no user, and the user will be able to login with any arbitrary username and password. It is highly recommended to leverage an Identity provider for any production use case.
- Exposes the proxy service in three different way based on configuration:
- Expose using Ingress controller and AWS Application Load Balancer. This requires AWS Load Balancer Controller add-on and it must be in add-on array before the JupyterHub add-on. This will also look for any additional Ingress annotations provided by the user to be tagged.
- Expose using Loadbalancer Service and AWS Network Load Balancer. This requires AWS Load Balancer Controller add-on and it must be in add-on array before the JupyterHub add-on.
- Expose using ClusterIP Service.
- (Optional) Annotates Ingress with user-provided AWS Certificate Manager certificate name. It will be looked up and automatically tagged to be used with Ingress. It will require user to provide a DNS name and External DNS add-on to be added in add-on array before the JupyterHub add-on.
- (Optional) User can choose a different notebook stack than the standard one provided. Jupyter team maintains a set of Docker image definition in a GitHub repository as explained here.
- Supports standard helm configuration options.
Note: For custom helm values, please consult the official documentation.
Using JupyterHub¶
JupyterHub, by default, creates a proxy service called proxy-public
that will be accessible in different way based on the user configuration setting under serviceType
. For example, if you set it as NLB
, then it is exposed to a LoadBalancer
type Kubernetes service, which will integrate with AWS Network Load Balancer as indicated when running the following command:
kubectl get svc -n jupyterhub
hub ClusterIP <none> 8081/TCP 26m
proxy-api ClusterIP <none> 8001/TCP 26m
proxy-public LoadBalancer xxxxxxxx-1234567890.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com 80:32733/TCP 26m
You can log into the JupyterHub portal by accessing the Load Balancer endpoint in any browser.
A default arbirary username with password can be entered to log in. Once logged in, you should be able to access the main portal page.
As stated above, it is highly recommended to leverage an Identity provider for any production use case. Please consult the official guide here for various OAuth2 based authentication methods.